Alan Watts Receives KFB Communications Award


Edge Media Group News and Farm Director Alan Watts has received the 2022 Kentucky Farm Bureau Communications Award.

Alan has been the News and Farm Director for WKDZ for 27 years and is a strong supporter of farming and agriculture.

With the development of the Your Ag Edge Network, Alan now shares the message of agriculture, agritourism, and rural Kentucky on 82 Kentucky radio stations across the state through the ‘Travelin the Bluegrass’ show that is played more than 100 times a day.

Additionally, Alan hosts the Farm Bureau podcast called ‘The Farmers Voice’ featuring farmers from across the state. On the show, popular topics include the biggest challenges to farming as well as what guests enjoy most about farming.

The Kentucky Farm Bureau Communications Award recognizes and honors the outstanding efforts of a professional journalist whose recent work has contributed to a better public understanding and appreciation of the people, communities, and issues connected to Kentucky agriculture.

Alan was nominated for the Communications Award by Bullitt County Farm Bureau. He is in Kansas City this week attending and reporting from the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Convention.

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