Farm Safety Is A Choice To Be Healthy And Share The Road

Protecting Agriculture’s Future was the focus of the 2022 National Farm Safety Week which was observed September 19 through 24 in Kentucky and across the country. Kentucky Department of Agriculture Farm Safety Director Dale Dobson says putting safety first needs to be a priority.

click to download audioDobson says that message extends to an area not often thought of.

click to download audioHe says during a farm safety day this year at Seven Springs Farms in Trigg County Owner Joe Nichols changed the message.

click to download audioKentucky Department of Agriculture Safety Director Dale Dobson says the driving public also has a role.

click to download audioHe adds the statistics show farm safety education is making a difference.

click to download audioYour Ag Edge was on the road during National Farm Safety Week to share the message of safety with the farming community and the public.


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