Alpha Pregnancy Care Center Celebrating New Location

Open since 1991, Alpha Pregnancy Care Center in Hopkinsville has only grown in the last three decades. And on July 12, its small staff celebrated a move to a new location on 500 North Main.

In a recent conversation with the Cadiz Rotary Club, newly-minted Executive Director Angie Crawford noted that it’s sometimes difficult to get the non-profit’s organization message out because the care and comfort provided to mothers and children is medically confidential.

A former PADD employee and longtime former board member for Alpha, Crawford noted it isn’t a long line of poor teenagers seeking guidance and assistance on those next difficult steps, but women of all ages and walks of life coming through the doors.

And the cases are all different. Some women need to confirm a pregnancy, or just need others to safely talk to. Others may be abortion-minded, or want to keep a child, but don’t have the means or support group to do so.

Crawford made it clear that the organization is pro-life, but is also pro-mother and pro-child. With the recent upheaval of Roe v. Wade, Crawford said there is no room to pass judgment, and that there is a post-abortive support group class, and talks for an infertility class that’s accompanied by a volunteer Bible study.

Crawford said there’s also no room for divisiveness at Alpha.

The need for a move to a new location only grew in the last three decades, especially for more space. Open Tuesdays-Thursdays, Crawford said her non-profit board has been exploring being open a fourth day, as requests for services have increased in the last six months. In June, 61 clients sought some sort of help, and she added it’s not unusual to have someone come from a long distance to talk with professionals.

Furthermore, Crawford said this new location is much more feasible for improved medical ministration, and testing for STI’s will become part of the regimen.

White Flowers, a consignment shop across from the Alhambra Theatre, could be open by August 1 — and will serve as a new, net-positive revenue-stream for the organization. Crawford said donations over the years, but particularly for this grand opening, have been fruitful and effective.

With a full-time nurse on staff, pregnancy tests and limited ultrasounds are common, and all services provided are free for the mother.

Recently, Crawford said some positive, heartwarming stories have been shared with Alpha staff — from young mothers now older and with growing children, who were once helped by the organization.

One of the more important facets of Alpha is determining a woman’s support group, and Crawford said that can play a key factor in helping a future mother.

For questions or hours, call (270) 885-3820.

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