Over 100 Cadiz Hometown Heroes Banners On Display


Over 100 flags spanning nearly a mile-and-a-half stretch of Main Street in Cadiz have made the first round of the Hometown Heroes project a major success.

Even with a few duplicates for people who wanted their own Hometown Heroes banner, City Clerk Barbie Johnson said there were nearly 120 banners hung on lamp posts last week.

click to download audioMayor Todd King said the visual impact of the banners on Main Street was stunning.

click to download audioKing says a project of this magnitude takes a team effort to pull off.

click to download audioThe Hometown Heroes project was the idea of Magistrate Mike Wright, who saw banners with local veterans on them in a city in New York while on vacation. The banners in Cadiz are hung on Main Street and some of the side streets in the downtown business district and continue east to the central business district.

Johnson said there was one setback in the program that will delay the next round of banner unveiling until July.

click to download audioJohnson said anyone who wants to make a donation or contribute to the Hometown Heroes program to contact her at Cadiz City Hall.

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