Sacrifice Remembered During Trigg Memorial Day Service

Remembering the sacrifice of all who died in service to our country was theme surrounding the Trigg County Memorial Day service Monday at West Cadiz Park.


Featured speaker for the service that was hosted by the James Thomas Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution was retired Army Lieutenant Colonel James Johnson, who retired to Trigg County in 2017. Johnson recalled those he served with during the Vietnam War.

click to download audioJohnson also recalled those officers that died in Vietnam that were part of his West Point graduating class.

click to download audioHe borrowed the words of former President Ronald Regan when remembering the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

click to download audioCadiz Police Chief Duncan Wiggins honored the veterans on hand for the ceremony that represented the different wars, with Wiggins noting the vital role all have played in defending our country.

click to download audioVeteran Ray Thomas and DAR member Laura Thomas laid a wreath in front of the American Flag at the park, with Laura noting the symbolance of the flag.

click to download audioAlso during the ceremony Latrita Russell sang the National Anthem and God Bless the USA, with Mayor Todd King providing the invocation, and former WKDZ General Manager Willie Wilson offering the benediction. And Vickie Lane presented a flag honoring Vietnam Veterans to Trigg County Judge Executive Hollis Alexander, who served as the Master of Ceremonies.

Photos by Jennie Watts

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