Board Takes Next Steps For Vocational School Renovation Project

Associate Principal Architect Andrew Owens with Sherman Carter Barnhart

Trigg County school board members are moving forward with the vocational school renovation project after approving documents required by the Kentucky Department of Education at Thursday night’s meeting.

Director of Operations Matt Ladd and Associate Principal Architect Andrew Owens with Sherman Carter Barnhart presented the BG-2 that Owens explained is an early specifications version of materials. Ladd noted it includes bipolar ionization that he is not a fan of. Board member Gayle Rufli agreed and said she is opposed to it.

click to download audioOwens went on to say the engineers are looking into the bipolar ionization upon his request as an option because of structural concerns.

click to download audioAfter Ladd said he and Owens are still discussing some of the specifications and there could be some changes, the board unanimously approved the BG-2.

Director of Operations Matt Ladd and Board Chair JoAlyce Harper

The board also approved the BG-3 which Ladd said were the estimates of the project with a total cost just shy of $1 million ($9,999,951.16) with a contingency of approximately $398,000.

click to download audioThe board also approved the renovation design development documents after Owens gave a lengthy detailed presentation about their design plans for the interior and exterior of the vocational school, including the relocation of the greenhouse.

Director of Pupil Personnel James Mangels


In other action, Director of Personnel and Student Services James Mangels said Trigg Tots operates as a stand-alone business for students and staff. He said they have removed infants and are recommending an increase in the registration fee and the weekly fees for non-potty trained and potty trained children.

click to download audioThe board also approved a request to participate in the Kentucky Education & Workforce Development Cabinet’s Early Childhood Administrator/Director Apprenticeship which Mangels explained is a 2-year program consisting of 4,000 hours to be a child facility director. He added they are one of 60 in the state given this opportunity to participate in this program, which he said is a testament to what Molly Oliver does with Trigg Tots. Mangels added Trigg Tots is a tremendous childcare program.



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