Save On Drugs, Wing Remodels Moving Along For Trigg Hospital

By August, the Cadiz “Save On Drugs” property is going to be a health care annex. And by October 1, the Trigg County Hospital’s new wing with six private rooms should be complete.

This was the message of hopes and expectations CEO John Sumner delivered during Thursday’s Trigg County Hospital Board session, in which constituents unanimously approved several bids for contract work on the “Save On” remodel, and a new defibrillator for the ongoing wing refurbish along Hospital Street.

Set to become a mini-primary care unit, Sumner presented a host of bids to the board:

— A new HVAC system from Taylor Heating & Cooling for $37,000;
— Windows, Doors & Floors, LLC nabbing, well, flooring, exterior doors and cabinetry for a combined $43,986.50;
— And a tab for electrical work set at $29,000.

Sumner said he was very pleased with the board’s previous decision to rebid that electric work, too, because this time it came in significantly cheaper.

Sumner added that while he wasn’t sure how much it would cost to have the building’s outside remodeled, the total cost of the remodel would come just shy of $300,000.

As for the long-delayed wing remodel, Sumner said things are finally coming along with good pace.

Several individuals have come through to observe the renovation, which is going in the old obstetrics wing of the hospital, and Sumner noted its privacy should only be disturbed by the soft hum of a life-flight helicopter — and nothing more.

In other news:

— Sumner and board member Mike Wright said the Trigg County Hospital Board is preparing to deliver six scholarships, each worth $500, to deserving Trigg County High School seniors who are pursuant of medical studies at the post-secondary level. Those names will be revealed at Trigg County’s celebratory “Scholarship Day.”

— Sumner said that the hospital’s ambulance fleet should have five able, and stable, ambulances with limited to no mileage by this summer, in what would be a welcome boon to both the city and county.

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