Comer Looking For Improvements In Management Of LBL

First District Congressman James Comer says he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are hoping the National Forest Service will make needed improvements in Land Between the Lakes.

Congressman Comer told the News Edge the first priority is to make needed repairs and operational changes in Land Between the Lakes.

click to download audioCongressman Comer says the second part of the LBL Act requires the U. S. Forest Service to maintain proper law enforcement staffing to cover the recreation area.

click to download audioHe adds because the Forest Service only has one law enforcement officer, an undue burden is being placed on surrounding counties.

click to download audioCongressman Comer says the root of the problem is lack of attention by the U. S. Forest Service at Land Between the Lakes.

click to download audioHe and Leader McConnell will continue to monitor the management of Land Between the Lakes and make changes if they are needed.

click to download audioCongressman Comer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced the LBL Act last week and will now work to get the legislation approved by Congress to provide the needed resources for management of the recreation area.


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