Four Rooms Dedicated at HCC Through Rotary Partnership

(Hopkinsville Community College photo)

Hopkinsville Community College in conjunction with the Hopkinsville Rotary Club dedicated four rooms at the college named in honor of major contributors through Rotary’s internal fundraising campaign.

During Tuesday’s meeting at the Emerging Technologies Building, HCC President Dr. Alissa Young said the most recent market value of Hopkinsville Rotary’s endowment is over $4.3 million. She said every dollar raised by the local club has been matched by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Endowment Match program, which has enabled the club to literally double its gifts.

According to HCC’s Chief Advancement Officer Yvette Eastham, every gift to the HCC Foundation of $50,000 or more that meets the requirements to help grow the high-demand workforce is eligible for match consideration.

At the close of the meeting, four rooms were named for Bill and Kaye Munday and the late Beth Ratliff Venable through the Hopkinsville Rotary Scholars Program.

Rooms in honor of Christopher Paxton and Elizabeth Paxton through gifts from Rick and Anne Paxton came to fruition through the Rotary Scholars Campaign.

Previous gifts from Hopkinsville Rotary were recognized as the college named its Learning Resource Center for Hopkinsville Rotary and named the college auditorium for the college’s first President, Dr. Thomas L. Riley, through a donor to the Rotary’s endowment campaign.

In addition to gifts to current endowments, the HCC Foundation is presently working to raise funds for an addition to Round Table Literary Park to honor Hopkinsville native, author, and activist bell hooks.

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