Limited Edgar Cayce Events Returning This Week


The Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County will resume some limited events this week to celebrate the life and work of noted clairvoyant and Christian County native Edgar Cayce.

Museums Director Alissa Keller says the Edgar Cayce section at the Pennyroyal Area Museum is one of the more popular exhibits.

click to download audioCayce was born on March 18, 1877, near the Beverly community northeast of Herndon. In honor of his birthday, Keller says the museum will host a special event Saturday.

click to download audioShe says the teachings and work of Edgar Cayce continue to be popular.

click to download audio

Cayce’s family moved to Hopkinsville in 1893. Edgar’s sons claimed their father’s clairvoyant readings had an 85-percent success rate.

The Museums of Historic Hopkinsville and Christian County are open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am until 4 pm.

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