Trigg County Draws For 2022 Republican Primaries

With four Republican primaries set for Trigg County’s 2022 Election cycle, aspiring and hopeful candidates gathered at the Trigg County Clerk’s Office Thursday afternoon — fairly drawing small slips of paper from an old, dusty styrofoam cup for ballot positioning.

Trigg County Clerk Carmen Finley noted she’d used the same cup for a long, long time, before doling out drawing opportunities in order of which the candidates filed their paperwork.

For Magistrate District 3, Joshua Dale Adams is number one and incumbent Cameron Sumner is number two.

For Magistrate District 5, Kenneth Wayne Cherry is number one and incumbent Alana Baker-Dunn is number two.

In what will be a heavily-contested primary for Magistrate District 6, Will Ezell is number one, Lucas Hale is number two, Patrick Bush is number three, Michael Todd Anderson is number four, and Billy Hop Calhoun is number five. This seat is being relinquished by long-time incumbent Larry Lawrence.

For Property Valuation Administrator, Jon Goodwin is number one, incumbent Lauren Fowler is number two, and James A. Kyler is number three.

During Thursday’s pow-wow, Finley also illustrated that Trigg County will follow a similar voting route local officials took during the 2020 U.S. Presedential Election, in which three days of early voting will be available to the public, and voting “centers” will be located at seven distinct locations — as oppposed to regular presincts.

With brand new equipment in tow, Finley noted those voting centers will be located at the Trigg County Recreation Complex, the South Road Fire Department, the East Golden Pond Fire Department, the Trigg/Lyon Fire Department, the Trigg County EOC, The Way Youth Center and the Cerulean Fire Department.

Those early voting opportunities will be available from 6 AM until 6 PM that Thursday, Friday and Saturday prior to that Primary Election Day, in what Finley said should be a smooth and fast process.

Anyone will be able to vote where they want in the county, Finley added, because the scanning of photo ID’s links voters to the correct paper ballot. Voters can still also apply for absentee ballots through the Secretary of State’s online portal, and return them to a drop box at the Clerk’s Office or mail them.

Finley said she’s excited about the 2022 election process, too, following the record turnout numbers in 2020.

Primary elections will be held Tuesday, May 17. General elections will be held Tuesday, November 8.

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