City Seeing Increase In Payroll Tax Collection

After taking a hit with the start of the pandemic, businesses in Hopkinsville appear to be getting back employees.

City Chief Financial Officer, Robert Martin says the city payroll tax collections are up over this time last year.

click to download audioThe collections are still about $300,000 short of the budget, but that gap is closing.

click to download audioIn other business at Tuesday night’s City Council Meeting, City Attorney Doug Willen says the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard on Vaccine and Testing is a moot point now.

click to download audioCity Council approved reappointing Councilman, Philip Brooks to the Western Hills Municipal Golf Course Board as well as Rodney Davis, Connie McGahee, and Bertha Wimberly to the Code Enforcement Board. Though no action was taken, the City Council was in a closed session for about 45 minutes to discuss an economic development proposal.


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