Three Western Kentucky FCS Agents Win National Award

Three Western Kentucky UK Extension Family and Consumer Science agents were recently recognized nationally for their efforts to reach consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cecelia Hostillo from Trigg County, Jill Harris from Todd County, and Lyon County’s Angie York were honored by the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences for the “What’s In Your Pantry”. Hostillo says the honor was the result of their partnership in 2020 to continue reaching consumers after in-person meetings were curtailed due to the pandemic.

click to download audioHostillo says they were pleased to receive national recognition.

click to download audioShe adds they recently conducted the presentation for their fellow FCS agents across the country during the annual meeting that was held virtually this year. The annual was scheduled to take place in Grand Rapids, Michigan, but was changed to virtual in the summer.

click to download audioThe first virtual session led to several others that were held during the COVID-19 pandemic and are continuing this year.

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