Key Data Points Improved On COVID Dashboard

During Monday’s weekly COVID-19 update, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear noted that there are three key data points that should further hone the details in vaccination and incidence rates moving ahead in the pandemic.

— The Kentucky dashboard now has updated population numbers in line with the 2019 national census, which is helping clarify specific demographics in the Commonwealth.

Because of this, more than 178,000 individuals originally termed as “unknowns” within the state’s COVID dashboard have now been accurately termed and identified.

— And now, the dashboard accurately reflects not just Kentuckians who have received at least one vaccination inside the state, but also those who have perhaps received vaccinations at locations outside of state jurisdiction, such as Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio and other surrounding states.

Vaccination numbers for ages 12-17 have now been determined, too, with Kentucky currently seeing 45 percent of the group having at least one vaccine at this time.

Beshear said over the weekend that more than 4,400 new cases and 18 deaths were tabulated on Saturday, more than 3,100 new cases and 21 deaths were noted on Sunday, and as of 3 p.m., more than 2,400 new cases and 29 deaths were attributed to Monday.

The two age groups hit hardest this weekend: ages 10-to-19 and ages 20-to-49, as more than 90 percent of those 65-and-older now in Kentucky now have at least one shot.

Beshear also noted that as the “Delta” variant continues to spread aggressively, particularly through school-aged children, that counties will likely need to reach 60 percent vaccination status in order to best create full immunity.

Most recently, both Fulton County and Webster County were among the jurisdictions who have crested 50 percent vaccination rates, but problems still remain in certain parts of the state. Among the nation’s 10 worst incidence rates for COVID-19, six are in the Commonwealth.

He also once again stated that if he had the authority, he would’ve already mandated masks inside of all buildings statewide — citing that it has thrice ebbed rising cases in the last 18 months of the pandemic.

Beshear will update Kentuckians once again this Thursday.

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