David Sharp On Why He’s Challenging James Comer

David Sharp for Congress/Facebook

Republican David Sharp says he’s running for the 1st District U.S. Representative seat because he wants to represent the middle class in Washington D.C. and help fight the establishment that is growing in Kentucky.

During an interview with the News Edge, Sharp shared a little background information about himself including he’s a U.S. Army Veteran who was stationed at Fort Campbell until he got out of the Army in 1997. Sharp has lived in Madisonville since 1995 after he met his wife there and they have three children. Sharp is currently a finance director for a large automotive group in Evansville.

Sharp said he decided to run for the U.S. Representative seat in the 1st District for many reasons including he doesn’t think the middle class is being represented well in Washington D.C.

click to download audioSharp says he also believes in term limits and thinks he can make a difference by taking a stand for the middle class.

click to download audioSharp says he is a true 100-percent conservative and wants to defund planned parenthood.

click to download audioSharp also says he’s not a career politician like his Republican opponent, James Comer.

click to download audioIn addition, Sharp points out he’s the only Veteran running for the 1st District seat and he feels Comer turned his back on former President Donald Trump.

click to download audioAccording to the Republican candidate, he has already received some endorsements and will be speaking next month with some well-known Republican conservatives.

click to download audioSharp says he just wants people to hear their message and help them fight the establishment that is growing here in Kentucky.

click to download audioSharp also points out he lives in the 1st District in Madisonville and Comer lives in Tompkinsville. He says he doesn’t think that someone that lives on the other side of Bowling Green has any business being in the 1st district. Sharp adds he also believes once the districts are drawn following the latest Census, Tompkinsville will not be in the First District but in the 2nd District.

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