Jennie Stuart Health Announces Visitation Guidelines

Due to an increase in COVID-19 cases in the area, officials with Jennie Stuart Health have announced revisions to its visitation guidelines for the hospital, effective Friday.

JSH spokesman Chris Jung says the primary revision is the visiting hours which will be from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. daily, except for maternity and emergency department visits. Visitation is limited to one person at a time.

In addition, no visitors will be allowed under 16 years old; one healthy adult caregiver must accompany patients under the age of 18 and adult patients who are physically dependent or vulnerable and require assistance; and visitors of patients at end-of-life may be allowed to visit outside of the posted visiting hours with prior arrangements.

Jung says the 18th Street entrance remains open only for outpatient infusion, cardiac rehabilitation, and pulmonary rehabilitation patients. All other visitors need to enter through the main entrance near the Emergency Department. Screenings will be provided at these two locations as no other hospital entrances will be open.

Visitors will also be screened for fever, COVID-19 symptoms, and will be asked if they have been in contact with a lab-confirmed COVID-19 patient within the last 14 days.

Jung says they also ask that visitors remain in the patient room at all times during the visit. He adds waiting rooms are for patient use only.

Visitor Guidelines also include:

Emergency Department: One (1) visitor will be allowed to accompany the patient. The one (1) visitor must remain the same throughout the duration of the patient’s Emergency Department visit, and must remain in the patient room at all times.

Inpatient Non-COVID Patients/Critical Care: One visitor is allowed following appropriate screening and masking protocols from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Maternity and NICU: Visitation is limited to one birthing partner that should remain the same throughout the duration of the mother’s stay. Post-Partum may have 1 additional visitor daily in addition to the support partner. NICU is limited to the parents of the baby only.

Outpatient Infusions/Outpatient Laboratory and Radiology Procedures: No visitors will be allowed unless the patient is disabled or otherwise not able to attend their appointment without their support person.

Surgery patients: One (1) visitor will be allowed to accompany the patient and asked to wait in the surgical waiting room until the procedure is completed. Once the patient’s surgical procedure is complete, the patient’s visitor will be notified of the next steps and visiting opportunities.

Behavioral Health Unit: In-person visitation remains suspended at this time. Zoom visitation appointments are available by contacting the unit directly.

COVID-19 patients and those patients being screened for COVID-19 will not be allowed to have visitors unless the patient’s condition warrants a restricted visit related to the patient outcome.


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