Cadiz Police Message To Parents: ‘Don’t Drop Students Off At Crosswalks’

(Cadiz Police Department Photo)

As classes resume in the Trigg County School System Wednesday, the Cadiz Police Department is reminding parents not to use crosswalks on Main Street as a drop-off point for their kids.

Police Chief Duncan Wiggins says dropping kids off in front of the high school and elementary school on Main Street may be the most convenient, but it’s also the most dangerous.

click to download audioThe chief said there is a simple solution to keep Main Street from getting congested in the hour before school starts each day.

click to download audioThe high school has a designated drop-off area at the vocational building and cafeteria on the north side of the campus. The intermediate and primary schools have a dedicated pickup and drop-off area to the east of the building.

In the past two years, the city and the school have utilized a portable traffic signal to help with the flow of traffic. Chief Wiggins said to not expect the light to return anytime soon.

click to download audioDrivers who utilize Main Street for non-school traffic in the mornings are encouraged to use the US 68 bypass for the first two weeks until a normal flow of school traffic is established.

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