Funding Approved For Christian County Ag Expo Kitchen Project

Christian County Ag Extension Agent Matt Futrell

A few things are to be done to the new Christian County Ag Expo Center, even though a ribbon-cutting was held for the facility last week.

Matt Futrell, the extension agent for agriculture and consumer sciences, tells the News Edge one of the projects is to finish construction on the commercial kitchen.

Last week, the Christian County Agriculture Extension Foundation, Inc. was awarded $15,000 in funding to help finish the project.

The kitchen will serve as a consistent fundraiser for youth ag programs.

Futrell adds the kitchen will serve some other purposes as well.

The $15,000 in funding comes from the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, which recently approved over $2.3 million for ag and rural development projects across the Commonwealth.

The 45,000 square-foot ag expo facility is located behind the Christian County Cooperative Extension Office on Pembroke Road. Along with the large expo floor, the facility has a 2,700-square-foot meeting room for private, commercial, or tourism-related activities that require a large indoor space.

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