Rental And Utility Assistance Still Available

Assistance is still available for struggling renters and landlords.

According to state officials, the Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund may be able to assist you and your tenant(s) with unpaid back rent and utilities as well as three months of future payments for a total of 15 months in a lump sum provided to landlords and utility providers. The funds are paid directly to the landlords and utility providers.

Officials say applications in which the landlord and tenant both apply online are processed more quickly. Additionally, third parties can help tenants and landlords complete the online application. Those in need of assistance can ask a friend, family member, property manager or others to complete their applications.

Tenants facing eviction should apply now to receive protection before the eviction moratorium expires July 31.

Officials say eligible landlords applicants must forgive late fees and other penalties related to non-payment of rent by their tenants, have a current written lease, agree to terms of the settlement agreement, agree not to evict for any past rent due prior to April 1, 2020, and must give 30 days notice for any future eviction which cannot be initiated until at least 45 days after assistance includes.

For more information, click here.


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