Christian County Judge-Executive Hopeful Third Time Is The Charm For KY 115 Grant Funding

Christian County magistrates approved the third resolution to apply for grant funding Tuesday to help with the Kentucky 115/Pembroke-Oak Grove Road expansion project.

After approving the grant resolution, Judge-Executive Steve Tribble told the News Edge the request is for $25 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is writing the grant request.

Tribble added there is some work underway to start the Kentucky 115 expansion process.

In 2017, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet completed a planning study that looked at several improvement concepts, in addition to a No-Build scenario. It considered widening Kentucky 115, spot improvements within Pembroke, new alignment connectors south and west to reach industrial areas, and widening portions of US 41.

In addition to coordination with local elected officials, the planning study included a public meeting in April 2017. Over 60 people attended, and 42 returned surveys. While 93% of survey respondents agreed Kentucky 115 should be widened, community input was divided on the potential new alignment.

Earlier this year, the estimated cost of the Kentucky 115 expansion was $35 million.

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