Local Legislators Talk About Restoration Of Voting Rights

Senator Whitney Westerfield and Representative Myron Dossett shared their opinions on recent legislation that made some changes for voting in Kentucky.

During an event hosted by the League of Women Voters of Hopkinsville Saturday, a question was asked about putting things into the next election reform bill that would encourage more people to get out and vote.

Senator Westerfield said he’s really proud of House Bill 574 and is unsure of any other legislation that would encourage voters.

Representative Dossett added he believes voting is a privilege and more work needs to be done to get younger people involved.

Both legislators agree with restoring the voting rights for those who committed felonies and have completed their sentences.

Westerfield said it would truly depend on how severe the crime is as to if it could get passed.

Dossett added they have been working on the legislation the last several years that deal with expungement.

They also discussed House Bill 126 and possibly restoring voting rights to those who may have been arrested for a felony crime but have since been changed to a misdemeanor. Both agree they would like to restore their rights and allow them to vote.

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