AgQuest And Agri-Chem Recognize Importance Of Farmers During Ag Week

AgQuest and Agri-Chem are saluting the farmers that provide our vital food supply in Western Kentucky and across the nation.

During a National Agriculture week stop at AgQuest Tuesday Jerry Gilliam says farmers are investing quite a bit of money to plant crops and produce food for our country.

click to download audioGilliam says the cost of a typical crop can quickly add up.

click to download audioMeanwhile, Don Pemberton with Agri-Chem and Hopkinsville Elevator said they are proud to be serving farmers from the new location of Agri-Chem at the Casky location of the elevator.

click to download audioPemberton says the Hopkinsville Elevator footprint is continuing to grow to serve members.

click to download audioTuesday’s stop at Agquest and Agri-Chem were part of the Your Ag Edge National Agriculture Week series of broadcasts on WKDZ-FM 106.5.


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