Changes Coming To Harper House & Triplets BBQ

Some major changes are coming to the Harper House and Triplets BBQ in Cadiz as they head back to their roots.

Nelson Green, the original owner, is back and tells the News Edge she is thrilled to begin serving her loyal customers again.

Green stepped down in July 2020, as the concept went in a different direction.

Green adds there will be major changes to Triplets’ format, which includes the relocation of the restaurant to the front of the property.

Triplets will be taking over the area that previously served as a banquet hall for Harper House and could seat around 200 people. Green says the space was hardly utilized, and their niche has become smaller events.

The new location of Triplets BBQ will allow them to do things they could not do.

Green adds this is a gamble but feels the timing is right for the community she loves.

Harper House is expected to re-open Friday, March 19, and be open its original hours. Triplets BBQ will not re-open until at least April. Updates on the two restaurants can be found here and here.

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