Magistrates Learn About Ft. Campbell Gold Star Memorial Monument

Kelli Pendleton

Christian County magistrates learned about the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument that will be placed on Fort Campbell later this year during their Tuesday morning meeting.

Christian County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kelli Pendleton said the idea for the monument came after meeting and becoming friends with a Gold Star Wife in Utah. Pendleton was shocked to learn Fort Campbell did not have one.

Pendleton added they recently finished the design phase and are waiting for the building on the property to be demolished.

Tom Marshall

When Tom Marshall found out about the project, he immediately wanted to be a part of it and donated on behalf of all citizens in Christian County.

During his comments, Marshall said the Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation is responsible for the monument’s fund and construction.

After Marshall’s comments to magistrates, Pendleton presented him with a challenge coin and thanked him for his donation.

Pendleton added the hope is to have the monument completed and unveiled in October.

Pendleton also shared with magistrates the 2030 Community Vision Plan that was published last year.

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