Ice Build Up Caused Friday Power Outage in Trigg & Christian County


A power outage around midday Friday that knocked out power to nearly 12,000 Pennyrile Electric customers was likely caused by some ice buildup at the Cadiz substation.

Brent Gilkey with Pennyrile Electric said crews are still working to determine the exact cause of the outage but ice appears to be a factor.

Gilkey said the outage occurred around 11:30 and lasted less than two hours.

Friday’s outage was the first major incident involving power disruption during the recent spell of cold weather that produced the coldest stretch of continuous temperatures below freezing since 1978.  Gilkey said the western part of the state has fared better than eastern Kentucky that still had upwards of 60,000 people without power Friday.

The Cadiz substation serves Pennyrile Electric customers in Trigg and Christian counties.


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