United Way of Pennyrile Tops $600,000

The United Way of the Pennyrile raised more than $600,000 during the 2020 campaign that came to a close Friday.

In a campaign celebration video that was posted on the United Way Facebook page Friday afternoon Director Betsy Bond announced the total.

click to download audioThe Beverly Whitfield award was presented to the late Robert Flick by last year’s winner Lucas Stagner.

click to download audioLast year’s J. William Flowers award winner Sandy Grogan presented this year’s award to video producer Dan Stahl.

click to download audioMeanwhile, the People Helping People award from the small business category went to Bastin Optometric. The medium-size business award was presented to Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority. The large business award went to H & R Agripower, and the overall People Helping People award was presented to Pennyrile Electric.


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