Dr. Godwin Shares Information About COVID-19 Vaccines

An area doctor tells the News Edge the current COVID-19 vaccines are safe and shared her reasoning as to why she chose to take it.

Dr. Shea Godwin, an Emergency Room Physician with American Physician Partners, says she and her family had COVID-19 for about two weeks in November. She believes they caught the virus in a connection to a church setting and not from her job.

Current health information states those who have battled COVID-19 can take the vaccine 24 hours after recovering from the virus.

Godwin adds the vaccines are safe, even as testing continues as they are being distributed.

Godwin stresses that the vaccine is not the COVID-19 virus, but instead an mRNA, a protein that helps your body recognize COVID-19 and fight it off.

She adds the vaccine is about having an extended immunity.

After you get the vaccine, that will not be a reason to quit wearing your mask and practicing social distancing.

The full 15-minute interview with Dr. Godwin, who appeared on the WKDZ Country Club Tuesday morning, can be found below.

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