Kentucky COVID Positivity Rate Creeps Up

Kentucky saw a slight increase in new COVID-19 cases for the second straight day with Governor Andy Beshear saying a post-Christmas lag in reporting may be the reason.

The state reported 3,784 new cases Wednesday with the state’s positivity rate also jumping to nine percent. Both figures are the highest since December 10.

Beshear said some labs and public testing sites were closed for the holidays which increases the percentage of tests conducted in medical settings where patients are already experiencing symptoms and suspect they may have the virus.

Earlier this week, Beshear also said the Christmas Day Bombing in Nashville that interrupted AT&T service in Kentucky and Tennessee may delay lab results getting to health departments.

The number of people hospitalized with the virus increased by 38 from Tuesday while the 433 people in the ICU is the most in 11 days.

The state also reported 29 deaths Wednesday marking the 20th day in December that 20 or more deaths were announced.

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