Outgoing Hopkinsville City Councilmen Recognized

Hopkinsville City Council recognized three outgoing council members at Tuesday night’s meeting and approved a proposed ordinance to waive alcoholic beverage licenses for a year.

Mayor Wendell Lynch recognized Darvin Adams, Jimmy Dossett, and Don Ahart and said he would be delivering them a plaque with their name and time of service on City Council along with a key to the city. He also thanked them for their service on City Council and contributions to the city.

He then asked for a moment of silence to remember councilman Paul Henson who served on council for several years. Henson recently passed away after battling lung cancer.

Council unanimously agreed to send to a proposed ordinance presented by Chief Financial Officer Robert Martin and summarized by Mayor Lynch that would waive local alcoholic beverage license fees for one year.

The ordinance will be on the agenda for a vote at the first City Council meeting in January.

And Comptroller Melissa Clayton gave an update on the Small Business Stimulus Program. She said 210 businesses applied with ten of those duplicate applications. She added 148 businesses were awarded stimulus grants, and 52 applications were denied.

She added they were able to grant $228,500 and $107,469 is still available of which $9,500 of the original $50,000 is still reserved for sole-proprietors.

Mayor Lynch thanked the council for supporting the program which puts money back into the community.

Council also unanimously approved the first readings of an operational budget amendment and a capital budget amendment for a $60,000 expense to meet new mandate requirements and repairs at Tie Breaker Park Aquatic Center. Council also approved a WINS budget amendment for costs associated with the Greenway Extension which passed by a 10-1 vote with Jimmy Dossett casting the lone nay vote.

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