Division Of Air Quality Responds to Vertical Complaints

The Kentucky Division of Air Quality confirms the agency was responsible for the shut down of production at the Vertical Wellness hemp processing facility in Cadiz following citizen complaints.

According to a statement released by Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet Director of Communications John Mura, Secretary Rebecca Goodman issued an order on November 10 for the company to discontinue, abate, and alleviate. The order was issued after the Division of Air Quality investigated odor complaints from citizens about the Vertical Wellness hemp processing company.

After an investigation, Mura says the Division of Air Quality found that Vertical was operating without a permit and was violating air standards for odor and opacity. The company remains shut down.

Mura says Vertical Wellness has responded with a remediation plan, and the Division of Air Quality is working with the company to resolve the issue. He adds the hearing had been scheduled for Thursday with the company. Upon the request of both parties, the hearing has been moved to Tuesday and Wednesday, November 24 and 25.

The Division of Air Quality’s action comes after neighbors living in the area near Vertical Wellness have complained about the odor coming from the steam and smoke produced by the facility during the hemp drying process. Neighbors have told Cadiz City Council and Trigg County Fiscal Court that the steam has a strong odor getting into their cars and homes. People have also complained about the thick clouds of smoke and steam that have blanketed the area near the facility and caused visibility problems along U.S. 68-80.

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