One New Face Coming to Cadiz City Council

Although the results are unofficial, there could be a shakeup on Cadiz City Council.

County Clerk Carmen Finley tells the News Edge there are still 65 ballots to be counted, as long as they were postmarked Tuesday and are received by Friday. It’s unknown how many of those ballots are from the city.

Unofficially, Brian Futrell was the top vote-getter and will serve another term on council. Futrell had 684 votes, followed by Susie Hendricks with 679. Susan Bryant will also serve another term and was re-elected with 666 votes.

The fourth voter-getter was Bob Noel with 626, followed by Brenda Price with 576 votes. In sixth place, Frankie Phillips with 562 votes and Jeannie Bodine came in seventh with 541 votes. Bodine only served one term on council.

There are only six seats on Cadiz City Council.

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