Beshear Critical Of State Police Training Presentation

Governor Andy Beshear condemns Kentucky State Police actions in using a slide presentation urging cadets to be “ruthless killers” and a quote from Adolf Hitler advocating violence.

During his COVID-19 briefing Monday afternoon, Beshear said the presentation might have only been given one time.

Beshear also offered an apology to the Jewish community in Kentucky.

The presentation was posted Friday by Manual RedEye – a student publication of Du Pont Manual High School in Louisville. In the story, the publication said one slide, titled “Violence of Action,” instructed troopers to have “a mindset void of emotion” and to “meet violence with greater violence.” The presentation also featured three quotes from Adolf Hitler.

In a statement to the publication, KSP spokesperson Lieutenant Joshua Lawson said the quotes were used for their content and relevance to the presentation topics. He added the presentation touched on several aspects of service, selflessness, and moral guidance.

Governor Beshear said he is in contact with community leaders and others to make sure they are a part of a solution.

He added state government would not rest until the issue is resolved.

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