City Council Approves Committee’s CARES Funding Recommendation

Hopkinsville  City Council approved a recommendation from the Economic Assistance Fund Committee CARES funding assistance for utility entities and nonprofit organizations.

Economic Assistance Fund Committee Chair Travis Martin said the committee met on October 14 and had seven recommendations which include keeping the $1.5 million earmarked for the city’s future pension obligations. It also includes keeping the $335,000 stimulus for small businesses already approved by city council at a previous meeting. However, he said they decided to eliminate stimulus funding from the Utilities Stimulus Program and the Bruce Convention Center.

He added the recommendation also includes removing funding from the Nonprofit Program and putting it back into the general fund.

The committee decided to keep funding for the Downtown Incentive Shortfall Reserve, which Martin said was an obligation the city has already made to downtown businesses to spur investment. He said they would also eliminate the $60,000 previously allocated to the Sportsplex for paving its parking lot. Martin added the recommendations would put a total of $350,000 back into the general fund.

Councilwoman Amy Craig disagreed with removing funding from nonprofit agencies and said maybe they should give more to small businesses.


Councilman Philip Brooks, who serves on the committee, explained the concept for putting the money back into the general fund was concerns of the unknown of what could take place down the road. He added they also looked at the fact that CDS is giving several thousand dollars to nonprofits.

The recommendation passed by a 10-1 vote with Craig casting the lone nay vote. Mayor Wendell Lynch said an ordinance would be prepared and presented to the council for a vote in November.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Mayor Lynch announced the city council and Committee of the Whole meetings in November will also be held virtually.

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