Cadiz City Council Candidates Speak on Growth in Forum


All seven Cadiz City Council candidates gathered for the News Edge Forum Thursday evening to elaborate on their platforms to the public.

Each candidate was asked what planning they feel needs to be done to grow Cadiz in the coming decades.

Jeannie Bodine says the council wishes to grow the selection of entry-level jobs.

Brian Futrell says they need to build on the capabilities afforded by the new water treatment plant.

Frankie Phillips says the city needs more higher-paying jobs to draw graduates back to Cadiz.

Susan Bryant says they wish to expand the selection of small businesses.

Bob Noel says the council should expand the sidewalks in town.

Brenda Price says they need to further support small businesses.



Susie Hendricks says they are working on opportunities for youth.


The forum also addressed issues such as downtown development, tourism, and the restaurant tax.

You can listen to the full debate by clicking below.
Part one:


Part two:


Part three:

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