CCPS Middle School Students Could Return To Traditional Model Soon

Students at Christian County and Hopkinsville middle schools could be returning to traditional learning beginning next month.

Christian County Public Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel asked board members at Thursday night’s meeting to start considering the prospect of middle school students returning to the classroom five days a week in mid-November.

He added they want to bring middle school students back because it’s what the students want and because Millbrooke Elementary School has been successful with traditional learning.

CCPS Superintendent Chris Bentzel

Bentzel added he hopes to finalize the proposal at a special called board workshop meeting scheduled for November 5th.

He also expressed his gratitude to the staff, students, and families for doing a good job of staying safe and healthy over fall break.

Assistant Superintendent of Administration Laura Morris presented the Back to School Report. She said there are 8,332 students enrolled in the school district, of which 2,794 of those are enrolled in the Virtual Learning Academy. She added the good news is nearly 700 VLA students are returning to traditional or hybrid learning beginning next Monday.

She also gave a brief update of the district’s COVID dashboard. Morris said as of Thursday there were ten faculty and staff members, and four students who have active cases of the virus.

She added there are two active cases in VLA. Currently, she said seven students are in quarantine based on contact within the district’s buildings. However, she pointed out none of the students in the buildings or the two football teams who have been quarantined have contracted COVID-19.

Assistant Superintendent of Administration Laura Morris

In addition, Morris gave an update on the district’s partnership with First Care Clinic for COVID-19 testing. She said they are doing some renovation work on the building located at Fort Campbell Boulevard and adding a drive-thru site which should be operational likely the first of next week. She noted the clinic will be sending the district’s school nurse director an operational plan that will then be distributed to all the buildings if students, staff, or parents want to use that service.

The board also recognized Emma Bacon who served 40-years in the Christian County Public School System and recently passed away at the age of 109. Board member Tom Bell presented Bacon’s family with a Lifetime Achievement Award plaque in her honor.

Emma Bacon – CCPS Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

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