Trial For East 2nd Street Shooting Suspect Could Be Postponed

A jury trial set to begin next week for a Cadiz man charged in connection to a shooting on East 2nd Street earlier this year could be postponed due to the prosecution and defense attorney in the case being quarantined.

The trial of 38-year old Travis Scott Mayes of Cadiz is set to begin Monday in Christian Circuit Court. He is charged with first-degree assault in after Hopkinsville Police said Mayes shot Derrell Bateman in the abdomen on East 2nd Street on February 17. Batemen was flown to a Nashville hospital for treatment and identified Mayes as the shooter.

During a pretrial conference Tuesday morning, Mayes’ defense attorney Douglas Moore appeared virtually and informed Chief Circuit Judge John Atkins he had filed a motion requesting a hearing to discuss issues related to the trial after he and his staff were quarantined.

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Moore also said he has tested negative for the virus and is suppose to receive more information from the health department Tuesday afternoon. Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen, who also appeared virtually and the prosecutor in the case, informed Judge Atkins she is quarantined until October 24th

Judge Atkins set a status hearing to determine whether they can move forward with the trial on Monday.

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Mayes then said if his trial is delayed it is affecting his right to due process with Judge Atkins explaining the COVID factor is something they have to deal with at this time.

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Judge Atkins set the status hearing for 11:00 Friday morning.

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