Hopkinsville Council Ward 8 Candidate Forum

Ward 8 Republican incumbent Tom Johnson and his Democrat challenger Twyla Parris shared their views regarding several issues facing the city of Hopkinsville during the recent League of Women Voters forum.

Johnson who retired from the military after 30 years has served on council a total of four years. When asked about the issues he would like to fix if elected to another term include increasing the tax base and affordable housing.

Parris who works at an area factory said she likes helping people and serving her community. She said one issue she wants to fix is education.

When asked about homeless clusters in the city which some believe are creating a danger to the city. Johnson said they must get to the root cause of the issue.

Parris said the city needs to help where they can but at the same time, those people must be willing to help themselves. She added there are resources these individuals can utilize to help them get back on their feet.

Both were also asked what they believe the greatest challenge for the city is and how they would go about educating their constituents.

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