Hopkinsville City Council Ward 4 Candidates Discuss Issues

The two Independent candidates seeking the Ward 4 seat on the city council participated in the Hopkinsville League of Women Voters forum last week.

Bradley Garabrandt said he was born and raised in Hopkinsville in a single-family household. whose mother was an addict in an out of rehab. He said he has experienced some of the same types of adversities and struggles growing up in Hopkinsville as many others, which is what led him to run for the seat and be a part of the city’s future. Garabrandt also said he feels Hopkinsville is on the path to greatness but needs to go back to the basics and help bring the city into that light, which involves the needs of the community and its citizens.

Chuck Crabtree is a life-long resident of Hopkinsville who is married, raised a family, and worked in the city. He said he has always wanted to run for city government and believes now is the time. Crabtree said he believes his 28 years of experience in the information and technology sector and working with various businesses can be useful in the role of the city council and Ward 4. Crabtree explained he stands for four things: no new taxes; no tax increases; responsible city government spending; and, and he’s pro-small business.

Bradley Garabrandt

When asked what two changes and improvements he would make in the city, Garabrandt said he would like to instill some type of code enforcement and make changes to the housing issues in Hopkinsville — not only affordable housing but the care of the current housing in the city.

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Crabtree said he would like to address some of the water issues that many people have told him about around the city and he would like to see more arts and recreation.

Chuck Crabtree

The candidates also fielded some questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including if they believe masks, social distancing, and limiting the number of people assembling are important enough they would support a mandate. Crabtree said he believes social distancing, washing hands and staying out of large groups are effective, but not masks.

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Garabrandt disagreed. He said it’s very important we wear masks and continue to social distance, and he would absolutely support a mandate based on the science and data presented thus far. He noted the masks are not only to protect ourselves but for others around us who may suffer from health issues.Both candidates said they are against a restaurant tax in the city, and fielded questions about homelessness in the city, as well as their ideas for attracting medium to high scale retail replacements for the recent closures of JC Penney and Peebles.

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