Wildcat Wednesday to Benefit Sports at Trigg County High School


The Edge Media Group will host Wildcat Wednesday this week as a fundraiser for athletics at Trigg County High School.

Beth Mann, president of the company that owns WKDZ, says they will host the special fundraising event from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on 106.5 FM and wkdzradio.com.

Mann adds other high school sports are not able to raise very much money each season.

The special day of programming will feature interviews with coaches, students, and community members, to discuss why sports are so important.

Leading up to the big day, donations can be made in the Big Deals store on our websites. Mann adds some special donations have already been made by Kentucky Farm Bureau – Trigg County, Wildcat Chevrolet, and Hancock’s Neighborhood Market.

This fundraiser will truly show how a community can come together to help the children of Trigg County.

The Cadiz Rotary Club will also help in this fundraiser by matching donations up to $5,000.

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