Todd County Tops 100 COVID-19 Cases

Four new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Todd County Saturday afternoon, raising the total cases to 100.

Jen Harris with the Todd County Health Department reports case 97 is an adult with underlying health conditions and experiencing moderate symptoms. The 98th case is connected to the 97th case and is a healthy adult and is dealing with mild symptoms. Both cases tested positive Friday.

Harris adds the 99th and 100th case involves healthy adults. The 99th case is not connected to any previous cases and has moderate symptoms. The 100th case is connected to another case and has mild symptoms. Both cases tested positive Saturday.

The people affected are isolated at home and their contacts have been asked to quarantine for 14-days.

Harris says Todd County has 66 recoveries, 29 at home, and 4 in the hospital, at this time. The county has also reported one death, leaving the recovery rate at 66%.

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