Trigg Tourism Tax Collections Continue to Grow

A few members of the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist and Convention Commission heard updates Thursday afternoon about what is happening with tourism in the county.

The special called meeting for the group via Zoom only featured three members, meaning the group did not meet quorum and could not vote on any action items.

Executive Director Bill Stevens shared the latest collections for the restaurant and transient room taxes. As of now for the 2019-20 fiscal year, the county has collected just over $469,000 for the restaurant tax or about $4,000 under what was collected for the 2018-19 fiscal year. For the transient room tax, just over $128,000 has been collected, so far, for the previous fiscal year. That is about $1,500 less than what was collected for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

Stevens said there is still one month of collections to come in to close out the 2019-20 fiscal year, which ended June 30.

In other news, Stevens said they are going to start a campaign geared toward those who have rental properties in the county, so they have a complete list of the properties.

In good news, board member David Miller shared the newly constructed multi-use building at the Trigg County Recreation Complex has been fully paid.

Stevens also shared the tourism office will now be open Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, until further notice.

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