8th Annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence Held Saturday in Princeton

The sun shone brightly on those gathered in Planter’s Park for the 8th Annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence Saturday morning.

Maggie Gammon, member of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Maggie Gammon, Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, began the program by reminding those in attendance the importance of the document, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson in June 1776 and adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4th.

She added the ideals of individual liberty found in the declaration were not new and had earlier been expressed by John Locke and the Continental Philosophers.

Reverend Mark Gertin

Reverend Mark Gertin lead those in prayer, expressing his thanks for the freedom each American receives.

The Declaration of Independence was then read in its entirety by members of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution Robert Ward, Maggie Gammon, Sarita Holt, Mark Gertin, and Ed Georgen.

Sons of the American Revolution member Robert Ward


Daughters of the American Revolution member Sarita Holt


Sons of the American Revolution member Ed Georgen


Members of the Color Guard Miles Ward, Brent Polly, Mark Gertin, Robert Ward, Ed Georgen, John Simonetta

You can listen to the full program below.

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