Knight & Hatzakorzian Fighting for Ward 6 Seat


Two Democrat candidates are vying for the seat for Ward 6 of Hopkinsville City Council in the June Primary Election.

Paula Knight and Ken Hatzakorzian went head-to-head in a debate last week hosted by the Hopkinsville League of Women Voters.

Knight, who has lived in the ward for 56 years, argues her 45+ years of experience in retail and previous service on council will make her the better candidate.

Hatzakorzian touts 40 years of banking service that would help him on council.


When asked about the greatest challenges the city faces, both said financial issues are among some of the most important.

Knight says a money shortfall, because of the state’s retirement system is the top issue.


Hatzakorzian says the state’s pension shortfall is causing a lot of issues locally.


When asked about adjusting the city budget to ensure transportation, health, and mental health services are available to those who are underserved. Both say the city can’t afford to do that right now.

A question was also asked about a responsibility to help landlords and tenants throughout the city. Hatzakorzian says he believes the city has a responsibility to help those that need it. Knight adds the city should do something about “slumlords” and help landlords who are having a rough time, as she says some issues are not always their fault.

On Tuesday, the News Edge will have a story about Ward Nine candidates Patrica Waddell-Bell and Ardell Owens.

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