Judge Sets Trial Date For Bethel Street Murder Suspect

A trial date has been set for a Hopkinsville man charged with murder in connection to a robbery and fatal shooting that occurred on Bethel Street in January 2019.

Shakkory Willis and his defense attorney, Eric Bearden along with prosecutor Jared Smith appeared for a pretrial conference before Circuit Chief Judge John Atkins Wednesday morning. Bearden asked the judge to reduce his client’s $1 million bond and added Willis is a low-risk to re-offend.

Smith argued against the bond reduction due to the seriousness of the crime.

Judge Atkins also said he would take the bond reduction under advisement and set the trial to begin November 16th in Christian Circuit Court.

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Willis is charged with murder, first-degree burglary, first-degree robbery, and second-degree unlawful transaction with a minor in connection to a robbery and fatal shooting that occurred at 1923 Short Bethel Street on January 24, 2019. Hopkinsville Police reported Willis, along with two men and a juvenile kicked in the door to the home with the intent to rob 19-year old Dylan Smith and 20-year old Corvyan Thomas of drugs and money. Police said Willis shot Stewart in the leg and shot Thomas three times with a handgun, resulting in his death.

Willis’ co-defendants in the case — James Yates, Lane Carter, Tia Ochs, Madison Wilson and a juvenile, Korey Zivotin all accepted plea deals earlier this year and were sentenced to time in prison for their roles in connection to the case.

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