Hopkinsville Parks and Rec Hopeful To Host Events This Fall

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of changes throughout the region, especially community events that have become a staple in Hopkinsville.

Parks and Recreation Programs Coordinator Toby Hudson says they were forced to postpone their annual Squealin’ on the Square event that was scheduled for June. He says they are now working to host the event Friday, September 11.


Hudson adds they also hope to host a smaller event similar to Summer Salute since the annual festival was canceled.


In addition, Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman says they will host the annual Red, White, and Oooh! Community Fireworks Show on Saturday, July 4.


The department will also host another Movies in the Park Friday night at the Ruff Park Complex. They will show the new live-action Lion King movie at 8:15. Admission is free and the movie will be shown drive-in style. Popcorn and beverages will not be available for purchase due to current COVID-19 restrictions.

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