UPDATE – Lake Barkley State Park to Reopen June 8

Lake Barkley State Resort Park will open June 8 due to the state’s continued decline in COVID-19 cases and will no longer be used to house low acuity patients.

Governor Andy Beshear announced Thursday that Lake Barkley and all state parks will open under the state’s Healthy at Work guidelines.  However, that date will now be June 8 after clarification from the governor’s office.

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He added the state will monitior the lodging capacity of each park to ensure there are no social distancing issues.



On May 18, Beshear said Lake Barkley and Lake Cumberland — two of the largest resort parks in the parks system — would remain closed to house people who needed to self-isolate and had nowhere to go.

The governor said he heard from leaders near both parks about the impact the closure was having on tourism, which is one of the largest employers in both regions. Two weeks ago, Beshear said the state parks that were closed will receive a certain level of compensation from the state but added federal CARES Act money can’t be used to cover lost revenue.

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