Alternative Site Facilitator Appointed At CCPS

The assistant principal at Hopkinsville Middle School, Kenneth Anderson, Jr. has been appointed as the Alternative Site Facilitator for the Christian County school district’s alternative school. Communications Director John Rittenhouse says Anderson was appointed to the position by Superintendent Mary Ann Gemmill.

According to Rittenhouse, Anderson began his career at Hopkinsville Middle School as a Social Studies teacher. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Austin Peay State University and a Master’s Degree and Rank I Certification from Murray State University, and is pursuing a Doctorate in Instructional Systems Design at the University of Kentucky.

Anderson’s wife Candice is employed at Jennie Stuart Health, and they have two children who attend Millbrooke Elementary School. He is a Christian County High School graduate and is the son of Kenneth and Larvetta Anderson of Hopkinsville.

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