Trigg Tourism Commission Facing Severe Budget Cuts Due to COVID-19

The Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism Commission is feeling the COVID-19 crunch after approving its tentative budget for 2020-21 that represents a 67-percent decrease from last year.

The $349,000 operating budget is considerably less than last year’s $586,000 budget and the $597,000 budget passed two years ago.

The budget estimates a $75,000 drop in restaurant tax revenue from last year and a $50,000 drop in transient room taxes – the two main sources of income for the agency responsible for the county’s tourism promotion. Tourism Director Bill Stevens said they have received less than $600 from the hotel tax in the past two months combined.

Compared to the 2018-19 budget, the tourism commission is looking at reductions of $22,000 in payroll, $43,000 in event expenditures, and $43,000 in event sponsorships. With no summer travel shows, Stevens said the travel budget will be $500 and advertising will be $20,000 less than 2018-19.

Commission member David Miller says the board should be flexible with any future obligations due to the fluidity of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The tourism commission is obligated to refund 25-percent of the restaurant tax received to the city for operation of the city-county recreation commission and refund $35,000 to the Harper House through the city’s tax incentive plan passed in 2016 to lure the restaurant to the city.Stevens says they are partnering with surrounding tourism agencies to promote stay-cations and day trips in the area for people who just need to get away for a short time.

right-click to download mp3Stevens said two employees at the tourism office have been laid off due to budgetary issues with the pandemic. He said he has received over 1,000 requests for information in the past two months and will look to respond to as many as he can. Stevens also offered to accept a furlough if that will help with finances.

The board did recommend the tourism office and information center at I-24 remain closed to the public for the time being due to the state restrictions that must be met to reopen.

right-click to download mp3In other business, Deepak Patel was elected to serve another term as commission’s chairman.

It was the first meeting for the tourism commission since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They will meet again July 9th.

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