Trailer in Princeton Total Loss in Monday Fire

A trailer in downtown Princeton was a total loss in a Monday afternoon fire.

Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis says that crews were dispatched to reports of a trailer on fire in the 300 block of North Stegar Street around 12:20. He adds that the trailer was fully involved by the time firefighters arrived and flames had broken through a side window.

Chief Francis notes that while crews were able to quickly contain and put out the fire they stayed on scene for just over an hour to monitor hotspots in the trailer’s roof. He states that the blaze is believed to have started in the kitchen but a cause has not yet been determined.

Chief Francis adds that no one was in the trailer at the time of the fire and it is believed to be vacant. Due to the fire and water damage in the kitchen and hallway, as well as the age of the trailer, it has been considered a total loss.

No injuries were reported in the incident.

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