Trigg County Hospital Joining Others Throughout Region in Joint Fight Against COVID-19

Several area medical care providers are partnering together as a unified front to battle the COVID-19 pandemic but need the community to do their part to help slow the spread of the virus and flatten the curve.

Trigg County Hospital will join many regional hospitals across western Kentucky and southern Illinois to serve the region as best they can during the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. A letter sent from the Caldwell Medical Center said these medical providers have been working together over the past weeks to share information and their health systems’ predictive analytics models, which is allowing them to align their treatment efforts, expected surge volumes, resource needs, and plans to address the curve when it reaches its apex.

The letter adds the regional hospitals are also partnering with local and state health and emergency management departments to speak with one voice and to work as a unified team to face the threat. By supporting each other they can protect the community and will remain steadfast in their commitment for weeks to come until this threat has eased for everyone.

The hospitals stress they can not do this alone, the threat is not one that can be solely tackled from within the walls of a hospital, success is in the collective hands of the whole community. Because of this, medical care providers are urging the community to truly social distance by staying home and keeping your contacts limited to immediate family members within the same household, washing your hands often, following the direction of emergency managers and elected officials, and if you must go out only do so for medical care, buy provisions for a week or more at a time, or for essential work duties, but be sure to wear a face mask.

By following these guidelines the region has the ability to make a tremendous impact on the progression of the disease and can flatten the curve, so long as we don’t let up now. Our actions in the coming days will be critical in the effort to return to our lives and our friends and family.

The letter emphasizes that Trigg County Hospital, and other hospital systems in the region, remain devoted to their communities and are prepared to care for you and your loved ones and will continue that mission through this crisis and beyond.

They add we are all in this together, medical providers and the community alike, and we will get through this together.

Some of the partnering medical providers and hospital systems include Trigg County Hospital, Caldwell Medical Center, the Pennyrile District Health Department, Murray-Calloway County Hospital, Marshall County Hospital, Livingston County Hospital, among others.

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